A Letter From the Owner

SEER2 Guide. A Letter from the owner. SEER changes. Air Conditioning.|

The cost of staying comfortable is going up rapidly.

New efficiency changes, inflationary pressures, new refrigerant standards, material costs, and fuel prices are causing record price increases in home heating and air conditioning systems.

Our recommendation: lock into a price today and buy now rather than wait later—especially if your system is around the 10-year mark and you know you will need to replace it within the next few years.

Buy the most efficient HVAC system you can afford and take advantage of our low financing rates before they climb out of reach! Your new equipment will pay for itself through lower energy bills and improved comfort.

Avoid Future Price Hikes

As of May 2, 2022, air conditioning distributors are on their sixth price hike since January 2021.  Each increase thus far has been a near 8% across the board. Most manufacturers are announcing increases of around 9%.

Altogether, prices have gone up 57% since 2021. Industry leaders and experts are also factoring for an additional price increase sometime this fall.

New efficiency standards that go into effect on January 1, 2023, are putting additional pressure on manufacturers. Not only are efficiency standards going up, but ratings are changing as well.

The current SEER method of rating will change to a new standard called SEER2. This increase will rate systems at a .5” of static pressure, which is a more realistic approach to accurate ratings.

SEER2 ratings are causing air conditioning manufacturers to produce even more robust systems to meet the ever-increasing guidelines. Some states in the southern part of the country will not be allowed to sell the current 14 SEER equipment after January 2023.

Many manufacturers are stopping production of current systems that do not meet the new SEER requirements and are focusing on redesigning equipment to meet the new standards.

Additionally, new refrigerant guidelines are coming soon. The current refrigerant, R-410A, will still be available for at least the next two decades, so there are no worries about the supply. But this change will also drive up costs in the coming years.

Air conditioning SEER changes. SEER2.

Buy Today to Save!

With all of the above changes, combined with sky-high inflation, it only makes sense to lock into a price today. Costs are only going to continue to rise. Energy costs also are going up significantly.  Creating a hedge against high utility bills should be a priority. Schedule a free consultation today and start saving money.

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Contact the experts at Innovative Heating Cooling Plumbing.

Call us at 409-217-5229!

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